Jorge Hurtado
Jorge Hurtado holds a Bachelor and Master Degree in Telecommunication and Computer Science from the UPM and PIC of the Deusto Business School. Jorge holds several Cybersecurity specific certifications, including Cloud Architect and Cloud Cybersecurity Expert.
Leader of the Certification area and member of the Operating Committee of the Center for Mobility Studies at the ISMS Forum. Part of the Coordination Committee for the CyberMadrid Cluster and Leader of the Enterprise development area.
Jorge has more than 25 years in the field of Information Security and Cybersecurity in international companies like GMV, CGI, Capgemini, or S21Sec. Currently, Jorge is the Chief Technology Officer of Cipher, a Prosegur Company, leading more than 400 professionals across 6 Security Operations Centers. From this position, Jorge is responsible for the Delivery Operations, Product strategy and the definition of Prosegur’s portfolio, leading the Innovation and Transformation efforts and Client Satisfaction.
Relevant publications and guest speaker in specialized forums such as RootedCon, Securmática, Revista SIC, Mundo Hacker Day, Cloud Security Expo, etc.
Mesa redonda 2022